christmas quotes charlie brown
This half-hour Christmas indicate is one of the really adorable vivified specials in TV history, a status demonstrated by its yearly system broadcast since 1965. A Charlie Brown Christmas was the first, and best, of a progression of projects dependent on the Charles M. Schulz animation strip "Peanuts." Hapless legend Charlie Brown ends up discouraged at Christmastime, scanning for the genuine significance of the occasion in the midst of the glamour and corporate greed of the cutting edge age. Designated chief of the school occasion exhibition, Charlie Brown endeavors out with Linus to purchase "an incredible, huge, glossy aluminum Christmas tree." Instead, they bring back a hopeless tree- - a genuine one. A Charlie Brown Christmas flaunts the "Peanuts" group doing what they excel at: Lucy is bossy, Snoopy is insane, Linus is sweet, and Pig Pen is, well, soiled. Rather than utilizing grown-up on-screen characters attempting to seem like children, the generation includes genuine kids giving the voices, a charming impact. The jazz music score, created by Vince Guaraldi, has turned into an exemplary in its own right; as such a great amount about this program, it's an unforeseen yet impeccably right decision. - Robert HortonCharlie Brown Christmas, A Screenplay ยป EDIT BUY
Year: 1965 1,566 Views
Linus Van Pelt:
Hmm. Do despite everything they make wooden Christmas Trees?
Sally Brown:
All I need is the thing that I have come to me. All I need is a considerable amount.
"Dear Santa Claus, How have you been? Did you have a decent summer? How is your significant other? I have been adding great this year, so I have an extensive rundown of presents that I need. If you don't mind take note of the size and shade of everything, and send however many as could be expected under the circumstances. On the off chance that it appears to be excessively muddled, make it simple on yourself: simply send cash. What about the twenties?"
Lucy Van Pelt:
You DO believe I'm lonely, don't you, Charlie Brown?
Lucy Van Pelt:
You didn't answer me. You needed to consider it first. Isn't that right? In the event that you truly didn't need to consider if you would've addressed me immediately. I realize when I've been offended. I KNOW WHEN I BEEN INSULTED.
Charlie Brown:
What the hell.
Linus Van Pelt:
I didn't have any acquaintance with it was such a terrible little tree. It's not terrible by any means, truly. Perhaps all it needs is a little love.
This is the music I've set for the Christmas play.
Lucy Van Pelt:
What sort of music is *that*?
Beethoven Christmas music.
Lucy Van Pelt:
What's so extraordinary about Beethoven? Everybody discusses how "incredible" Beethoven was. Beethoven wasn't so incredible.
I'm not catching your meaning Beethoven wasn't so incredible?
Lucy Van Pelt:
He never got his image on an air pocket gum card. Have you at any point seen his image on an air pocket gum card? Well? How might you say somebody is incredible who's never had his image on an air pocket gum card?
For hell's sake.
Lucy Van Pelt:
Is it true that you fear obligation? On the off chance that you will be, you have hypengyophobia.
Charlie Brown:
I don't imagine that is very it.
Lucy Van Pelt:
What about felines? In case you're anxious about felines, you have ailurophobia.
Charlie Brown:
All things considered, kind of, yet I don't know.
Lucy Van Pelt:
Is it accurate to say that you fear staircases? In the event that you will be, you have climacophobia. Possibly you have thalassophobia. This is dread of the sea, or gephyrobia, which is the dread of intersection spans. Or on the other hand, perhaps you have pantophobia. Do you think you have pantophobia?
Charlie Brown:
What's pantophobia?
Lucy Van Pelt:
The dread of everything.
Charlie Brown:
Linus Van Pelt:
Perhaps Lucy's correct. Of all the Charlie Browns on the planet, you are the Charlie Browniest.
Charlie Brown:
A debt of gratitude is in order for the Christmas card you sent me, Violet.
I didn't send you a Christmas card, Charlie Brown.
Charlie Brown:
Don't you know a mockery when you hear it?
Lucy Van Pelt:
You're the owner's significant other.
Did owner's spouses have normally wavy hair?
Lucy Van Pelt:
I know how you feel pretty much this Christmas business, getting discouraged what not. It transpires each year. I never get what I truly need. I generally get a ton of dumb toys or a bike or garments or something to that effect.
Charlie Brown:
What is it you need?
Lucy Van Pelt:
Charlie Brown:
Rodents. No one sent me a Christmas card today. I dearly wish there weren't a Christmas season. I realize no one enjoys me. For what reason do we must have a Christmas season to stress it?
Linus Van Pelt:
Give me one valid justification why I ought to remember these lines.
Lucy Van Pelt:
I'll give you five valid justifications.
Lucy Van Pelt:
One, Two, Three, Four, Five.
Linus Van Pelt:
Those are valid justifications. Christmas isn't just getting excessively business, it's getting excessively hazardous.
Charlie Brown:
(yelling in urgency) Isn't there anybody out there who can reveal to me what Christmas is about?
Linus Van Pelt:
Without a doubt, Charlie Brown, I can let you know. Lights, if it's not too much trouble (A spotlight sparkles on Linus.) "And there were in a similar nation shepherd residing in the fields, keeping watch over their herds by night. Furthermore, lo, the blessed messenger of the Lord happened upon them, and the greatness of the master shone circuitous them, and they were more apprehensive. Also, the blessed messenger said unto them, Fear not, for a view, I bring unto you great greetings of extraordinary satisfaction, which will be to all individuals. For unto you this day is conceived in the City of Bethlehem, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Furthermore, this will be a sign unto you; you will discover the darling enclosed by swaddling garments and lying in a trough. Also, all of a sudden there was with the blessed messenger, a huge number of the sublime host, commending God, and saying, 'Brilliance to God in the most elevated, and on Earth harmony, cooperative attitude toward men'". That is the thing that Christmas is about, Charlie dark colored.
Attempt to get snowflakes on your tongue. It's entertaining.
Linus Van Pelt:
Mmm. Needs sugar.
Lucy Van Pelt:
It's too soon. I never eat December snow. I generally hold up 'til January.
Linus Van Pelt:
They beyond any doubt look ready to me.
Lucy Van Pelt:
Consideration everybody, here's our chief.
Charlie Brown:
"Man's closest companion" huh?
Each Christmas it's the equivalent. I generally wind up playing the shepherd.
Charlie Brown:
I simply don't comprehend Christmas, I presume. I like getting presents and sending Christmas cards and embellishing trees and all that, however, I'm as yet not cheerful. I generally wind up feeling discouraged.
Linus Van Pelt:
Charlie Brown, you're the main individual I realize who can take a brilliant season like Christmas and transform it into an issue. Possibly Lucy's correct. Of all the Charlie Browns on the planet, you're the Charlie Browniest.
Lucy Van Pelt:
Get the greatest aluminum tree you can discover, Charlie Brown, perhaps painted pink.
Lucy Van Pelt:
See, Charlie, let's be honest. We as a whole realize that Christmas is a major business racket. It's controlled by a major eastern syndicate, you know.
Lucy Van Pelt:
You believe you're so savvy with that cover. What are you going to do with it when you grow up?
Linus Van Pelt:
Possibly I'll make it into a jacket.
Charlie Brown:
Pig-Pen, you're the main individual I realize who can bring a cloud up in a snowstorm.
Linus Van Pelt:
This truly conveys Christmas near an individual.
Charlie Brown:
I slaughtered it. All that I contact gets destroyed.
Lucy Van Pelt:
Pig-Pen, you're the owner.
Despite my outward appearance, I will attempt to keep a slick motel.
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